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6 Greens To Help You feel Your Best This Year!

Writer: lifestylediywlifestylediyw

When the new year comes in and everyone starts writing these resolutions, the one thing more people add to that list is EATING MORE HEALTHY. But what does that look like if you don't know where to start. So I decided I would add more leafy vegetables to my daily diet to increase my immunity naturally and help design a better way of eating and creating meals for my family. Now a few of these I eat as much as I drink water- which needs to increase, but some I have not tried. How about we get our Popeye's on and crush some Spinach and a few other leafy goodness!

As we enter into Spring, we start thinking about finding healthier and lighter ways to eat and incorporate greens and fresh veggies into our diets. But there are some leafy friends that I love and some I would maybe try once. With all the fuss about Allergies, sinuses, flus and common ailments, we have to get nutrients through various measures to stay healthy.Fresh Veggies especially leafy greens (and Im not just talking about Collards, Kales, etc) - Each type has unique nutrients, flavors, and textures.

Here are 6 examples of Leafy Greens to this season to adding to your daily lifestyle. Use these veggies to create delicious healing meals from salads, soups, smoothies and more. Dang say that 10x fast LOL! These greens will give you balance and make you happier everyday.


Who needs a little joy and spicy leaf in their lives? Try adding at least a handful of this airy spicy radicchio to help boost your joyful attitude to your weekly meal plan. Radicchio leaves make good "cups" to hold taco meat for Bread-less Taco Tuesdays.

2. Introducing SWISS CHARD, the Regulator

Now I have never tried Swiss Chard, but from what health professionals say is, it can regulate your blood sugar levels, after a heavy meal. It slows the breakdown of carbohydrates in your digestive tract by intaking 3 cups weekly, you can cut your risk of rain fog and restless nap attacks in half.

This strongly flavored green gives you all the vitamin K that you need per day, plus vitamins A and C. Slice thinly and Toss into egg dishes or soups, or sauté with garlic and top with sesame seeds or lemon juice.

3. Tummy Problems During the Monthly Visitor?!! Try some ESCAROLE

Who knew eating ESCAROLE greens especially during your menstrual cycle can decrease stomach woes like cramping, bloating, indigestion & abdominal pain.

I make sure to always add ESCAROLE to my monthly food shopping delivery with @instacart

Sautee some escarole with some bacon and a few beans and its delicious!!


Join the conversation below by using the latest hashtag #healthylivinglifestylediyw and post your healthy meals using anyone of these mentioned greens in this article. Which one is your favorite?

Im a huge fan of spinach!!

I can eat spinach raw in a salad, blended in a smoothie, creamed into an amazing soup- the possibilities with spinach are endless. We all know spinach is super healthy but, what you probably didn't know is that it's a natural fat burner. To jump start that spring weight loss routine, add a heaping cup of spinach to your daily diet (raw or cooked). "If you don't know, now you know" (In my Notorious B.I.G Voice) : that Spinach is filled with Vitamin K to help jump start those fat-burning properties in our muscle cells so you can shed almost 3 lbs. a month.

This green supplies a hefty dose of vitamin K, potassium, and folate. If you eat it cooked, it will also supply iron and calcium. So make a spinach Omelette to jump start your healthy day!!

5. Did you ever wonder how Batman had great night vision? He probably loved to eat Collard Greens! LMAO. I'll tell you why after this funny story. When my mom was pregnant with me, she ate lots and lots of collard greens throughout the whole 9 months. When I was born, I was had a green stripe going down my back. She loves collard greens until this day and me? Well I eat them once and in while but They are not my favorite. Im a collard eater on holidays, or sporadically if a dish like black eye pea soap calls for some. But now that I know it helps with night vision- ill be adding some to my meal prep at least twice a month.

So back to it: What I just found out was that Collards have enzymes to help you see better at night. Now Idk if Batman had Collard green vision or not but Im going to seriously increase my collard green intake. This cooking green is rich in calcium, fiber, folate, and the antioxidant carotenoids beta carotene and lutein.

6. The Energizer Bunny eats BROCCOLI RABE as a recharger!!!!!

Broccoli rabe is a delicious once its roasted or sauteed with garlic. Broccoli Rabe can boost your energy as research states at least by 35% for four hours. Oh boy! I need to try these little baby broccolis because Mama be tired as hell.



  • ©2021  by LIFESTYLEDIYW, A Nikki Morente Company

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