Get rid of Garbage bags with this simple magic trick!

Do You hate when your garbage bags start to take over your kitchen or pantry? Where do all the garbage bags from shopping go? This is one of those things where as soon as You get rid of all the plastic Garbage bags, that’s when you’ll really need one!
Wanna see a close up pin?
See in NYC as of October 2020, stores are prohibited from selling goods in one use single plastic bags. So they have instructed shoppers to by the earth friendly reusable shopping bags and boy don’t those add up too. SMH! That’s the next Kitchen hack I’m working on. Lol! DOES YOUR STATE HAVE A SIMILAR BAN? Read more on the NYS Plastic bag Ban
TWO REASONS WHY I WANNA TURN THE WHOLE BASKET O BAGS - To the left— INTO THOSE CUTE LITTLE NINJA STAR BAGS ON THE RIGHT! (Keep scrolling for link to IKEA basket and other things listed in this photo to help minimize the clutter of plastic bags.)

But Anyways ..... Let’s get to the best kitchen and home hack You could ever learn and You won’t forget!
here’s some canister ideas to inspire You to declutter those bags. By now You should have a million dollar tree or target reusable shopping bags! All linked on my

here’s some canister ideas to inspire You to declutter those bags. By now You should have a million dollar tree or target reusable shopping bags! All linked on my
This Blog article may contain affiliate brand links, which I may receive a small commission to help me maintain my blog. No I’m not sponsored and or affiliated with key food, target etc unless stated.

STEPS: flatten your garbage bag/Fold over starting from edge and keep folding until the garbage bag is in a straight line/
then start from the bottom and fold the bag into a triangle/Keep folding until You reach the handles at the top / then fold over and tuck. This creates a flying disks. You can store more bags or You can create a game for kids to play with or fold all the bags as fun chore.
Watch the mini hack on IGTV! Make sure to like, watch and comment! Don’t forget to share to your friends!